Thursday, June 2, 2016

 Jaguar vs Crocodile Real Fight
Puma versus Crocodile Real FightLook, we know there was some discussion over our last creature battle post. The did-they-didn't-they that ejected about whether a group of hippos ate a shark got terrible now and again on the different online networking stages we call home, and the level headed discussion achieved the most astounding echelons of the amusement world (that is to say, Scott Van Pelt). So here's another! This video seems to demonstrate a panther hopping into a waterway, getting a caiman crocodile by its goddamn neck and dragging it home to devour upon its layered meat. We had an uncertainty or two: After all, the novice cameraman loses the activity at a urgent minute, when the puma at first reaches after its swan jump into the earth cocoa profundities. Might this be able to be an evil plot by an anonymous Russian traveler to beguile all of us? Fortunately, the confirmation from that point is genuinely indisputable. We're 99 percent beyond any doubt that huge feline just went straight into the foe's home turf, snatched his neck, and had him for breakfast. He just went to Foxborough in December and had the Pats beat before the end of the principal quarter. He waltzed through the Black Gate and slashed down Sauron's tower with a fucking hatchet. He just...well, you get it. Simply appreciate the appear.


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